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Retention Rockstar Group Coaching Call May 2024
Recently, we set up a monthly group coaching call to which we've invited all of our users, admins, and anyone with a MonitorBase account to join;...
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Recently, we set up a monthly group coaching call to which we've invited all of our users, admins, and anyone with a MonitorBase account to join;...
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How can we improve customer retention and engagement in the mortgage industry? MonitorBase is joined by Dana Ventura of Mortgage Strength Group to...
We recently set up a monthly group coaching call to which we've invited all of our users, admins, and anyone with a MonitorBase account to join;...
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Today's MonitorBase Retention Rockstar™ video blog focuses on staying ahead of mortgage credit triggers amid increased scrutiny and regulation....
Many loan originators have recently spent upwards of $600 on credit reports. This can be detrimental when spending that much on credit reports...
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Are Helocs (Home Equity Lines of Credit) and debt consolidation still relevant to originators in today's market? That is the topic in this month's...
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Will credit trigger leads get banned? Credit triggers have been intensely discussed as of late and are the focus of our conversation success in this...
Knowing how to engage with your MonitorBase alerts when you receive them is a major key to success and it is the topic of discussion in this month's...
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In our latest Retention RockstarTM strategy video, we explored the mindset that Loan Officers should have in approaching the mortgage sales process...
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The Retention RockstarTM Award identifies outstanding loan originators for their efforts and ability to find new loans and retain mortgage business...