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1 min read

Retention RockStars™ Discussion: Why HELOCs are Still Relevant to Originators

Retention RockStars™ Discussion: Why HELOCs are Still Relevant to Originators

Are Helocs (Home Equity Lines of Credit) and debt consolidation still relevant to originators in today's market? That is the topic in this month's Retention Rockstars™.

At MonitorBase, we see a lot of that activity. Specifically, a lot of home equity line of credit or second mortgage activity.

So even in this market, it is important for originators to understand when HELOCs or cash-out options are suitable for their consumers based on their specific needs and circumstances as many consumers now have a significant amount of equity in many homes, which consumers want to tap into for various reasons and how you can best help and guide them.

In this market, #everycontactmatters. Please share this video with your team members who may benefit from this strategy. Subscribe to our MonitorBase Insights for additional strategies and tips from the marketing professionals at MonitorBase.

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