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MonitorBase Insights

Mortgage Marketing Strategies

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Retention Rockstar Strategy: Sales Pipeline Protection

Loan officers often lose clients from their pipeline to competitors, which affects business relationships and revenue. In today's Retention Rockstar...

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1 min read

New Web app Design. Even Better Features

We have big news! We’ve been working hard on redesigning our website into an even more comprehensive and accessible tool for you and your team. Our...

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2 min read

Close More Loans Than Ever Before

We all have goals, but sometimes it can be hard to know how to achieve them. Closing more loans isn't impossible, and may even be easier than you...

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3 min read

To refi, or not to refi ... that is the question

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. In the past 30 days, we are seeing a significant increase in mortgage application inquiries.

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