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MonitorBase Insights

Mortgage Marketing Strategies

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2 min read

New Recruiting Metric All Lenders Should Consider

Recruiting Mortgage Loan Officers is one of the most competitive areas of the mortgage industry. Enterprise-level mortgage lenders will roll out bonuses’, company perks, and even automobiles to get the top origination talent to sport their logo....

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Intent Signal

2 min read

Turn the Worst Leads into Close Loans

If you have ever bought leads or found yourself uttering the words – “these leads are terrible,” this might be a strategy worth considering. Let’s...

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3 min read

The Year for MonitorBase

Share: The Time is Now to Change to Monitorbase. While much of the mortgage industry struggles to maintain profitability and compete in the market,...

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Retention Rockstar™ Strategy: Find Sellers for you and your referral partners in 2023

In this Retention RockstarTM strategy video, we discuss the best practices of partnering with more referral partners to scan and find deals in their...

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1 min read

What is The Retention Rockstar™ Award?

The Retention RockstarTM Award identifies outstanding loan originators for their efforts and ability to find new loans and retain mortgage business...

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2 min read

Emerging Mortgage Tech Category: Database Retention Systems

AI can drive your car.. do your homework, but how are mortgage originators and realtors utilizing AI? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the...

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2 min read

Is Life Event Marketing Compliant?

I had an old friend that used to sell home alarm systems. At a time when newborn babies were announced in the local papers – he would look up their...

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1 min read

Treasure In Your Database: How Lenders Can Find Loans In Their Database

There are these Instagram accounts of treasure hunters with metal detectors and gadgets that help them find mysteriously hidden treasure in all kinds...

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2 min read

How We Use AI to Predict Mortgage Transactions

MonitorBase is a borrower analytics platform that lets you mine origination opportunities from your contact database. Many of our clients ask for...

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