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Treasure In Your Database: How Lenders Can Find Loans In Their Database

Treasure In Your Database: How Lenders Can Find Loans In Their Database

There are these Instagram accounts of treasure hunters with metal detectors and gadgets that help them find mysteriously hidden treasure in all kinds of places. It is fascinating to watch people with scuba-diving gear swim the depths of some lake and emerge with some antique that turns out to be 300 years old. These adventure seekers are obsessed with finding the old and forgotten. It is reviving relics from the underground and giving them new life to be viewed by everyone.


Mortgage loan officers speak to dozens of people a day. Thousands a year. Answering questions, taking applications, and hopefully helping them find a mortgage solution so they can find a home. The Denied, Withdrawn, Cancelled (DWC) crowd gets buried under the high credit scores and Submit to Close and is often completely forgotten. However, some of these DWC folks have formed a gang. A gang of inspired, motivated individuals that understand that they can increase their income, improve their credit, pay down debt and achieve the American Dream. These relics are waiting for mortgage loan officers to put on their scuba diving gear and take the plunge into the cold water of their database to help them emerge to the surface.


So when you think MonitorBase, think metal detector—constantly identifying the inspired that have put in considerable effort to organize their life in a way that prioritizes home ownership. Several circumstances warrant an individual buying a home in this current market. Despite interest rates and home prices, these borrowers have been feverishly working to make it to the surface.


Can you imagine these treasure hunters diving into the lakes without scuba gear? Holding their breath to make it to the bottom and scurrying back to the surface. No equipment, just using their hands to search for treasure manually. That wouldn’t happen. It would be silly. It is equally silly that 53% of mortgage loan officers are searching through their database, CRM, and LOS for possible loans WITHOUT technology.


Since 2007, Monitorbase has helped over 14,000 mortgage loan officers find new loans in their database. The forgotten. The lost. The DWC. MonitorBase is the most compliant, accurate, integral borrower monitoring technology in the market today. Helping the most prominent players in the mortgage industry find new loans. MonitorBase’s technology solution has never been more relevant than the current mortgage environment. Lastly, while call center mortgage loan officers love the solutions, Retail Mortgage Loan officers have had fantastic success with the platform.

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