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1 min read

3 Runoff Risks for Mortgage Professionals in 2020

3 Runoff Risks for Mortgage Professionals in 2020




Salt Lake City, UT --- If you’re in the mortgage industry and you and your teams are worried about early payoff EPOs and client runoff right now… You should be. 

Let’s talk about three risks that every mortgage professional is facing in today’s marketplace in 2020.

Monitoring 9 million US consumers, and we have seen a 93% increase in mortgage loan type credit pulls in the past 90 days alone - this is just January to March. 

With that kind of craziness happening in the current market, the risk of EPOs and client runoff has never been higher. Here are the three ways this puts you at risk:

  1. Current production - The loans you are currently working on could be more aggressively rate shopping, making it more difficult to pull this through to funding. 
  2. Past production - The loans you closed over the last six months could be refinancing, and hitting you with that EPO fee. 
  3. Future production - A big percentage of your database (all of the clients you’ve worked with in the past) are now eligible for another transaction, and they are being pulled into the market with your competitor. When they close with someone else and are no longer your client, that puts you at a disadvantage because you are no longer able to count on them for repeat business in the future. 

We offer a simple, compliant, cost-effective solution that can give you a first warning before your client leaves. It doesn’t require a whole new CRM set up or learning a new system. It simply texts each loan officer when one of their past clients or prospects has their credit pulled for a mortgage. 

We have unlimited user plans, monitoring 10,000 prospects for as little as $500 per month. That is our all-in pricing - no minimum, no setup fee, unlimited number of loan officers. Our quick, easy set up lets you get started monitoring your prospects, avoiding EPOs and client runoff faster than ever before. 

In today’s marketplace, this is such an important tool. This will put you in a position of power by receiving those notifications and reaching out to those clients before they move forward with a competitor. 

We currently help over 5,000 loan officers, and 8 of the top 25 lenders today are using this system. We want to make this available to you now, especially in this marketplace where you are at such high risk. 

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