There are so many ways to grow a business that it can start to feel confusing and overwhelming, right?
It’s actually much simpler than you may think. There are only three ways that you can grow your business. Only three!
- Get more clients.
- Get more revenue/commission per client.
- Keep your clients and finance them more often.
This theory was developed by the business revolutionary Jay Abraham, and we are here to help you navigate how to implement these into your business. By increasing each of these areas by just 10%, you could earn 30% more.
It’s pretty easy to think about how to grow your business when you break it down into these three ways.
Get more clients: better marketing strategies don't require millions of dollars and hour and hours of hard work. We've listed out some ways to overcome marketing constraints, and help you get more clients.
Get more revenue/commission per client: the price and rate are only a small piece of the puzzle here. Let your clients know your value with better service, better technology, better communication.
Keep your clients and finance them more often: keep that person coming back to you. This is the most important step. The cost of keeping a previous customer is significantly lower than the cost of getting a new one. The marketing dollars, phone calls, meetings, and time it takes to finally land a new client is not only exhausting, but expensive.
Using a service like MonitorBase turns your clients into repeat buyers by getting notified as soon as they are back in the market, giving you the chance to reach out to then before they become your competition's client.
Don’t lose all the time and money you’ve already spent making this client yours.

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