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1 min read

Fight Real Evil

Fight Real Evil

Operation Underground Railroad’s mission is to rescue victims of human trafficking, and arrest those responsible. This group of highly skilled operatives leads coordinated identification and extraction efforts, and are always in conjunction with law enforcement throughout the world.

Once victims are rescued, a comprehensive process involving justice for the perpetrators and recovery and rehabilitation for the survivors begins. 

Not only is this amazing team dedicated to the rescue of these victims, but they care for them afterwards. They operate shelters and schools throughout the world to help victims transition back into daily life, and reunite them with their families. 

Through the month of March, MonitorBase will be supporting Operation Underground Railroad, and our goal is to raise $5,000 by March 31st. With your help, we can reach - possibly even exceed - this goal. 

Join The Fight Donate Now 

Share this post with your friends and family, these children need your help.

Here at MonitorBase, we’re on a mission: not only to help you close more loans and retain more clients, but to do good in our communities, and the world. Please help support this amazing cause by donating, sharing, and spreading the message.